Featured Client: The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Written by Jerome Bader
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence; iconic, outrageous, philanthropic and a DML Insurance client since 2009. The Sisters live in a world that is characterized by the way things should be, even if they are not necessarily the way that they are. Unapologetically “out there” and on the fringe they show us how to live life free from the fear of becoming dull, unengaged or mediocre. Compassionate to core the Sisters do and say what we are all thinking and they do it in full, fabulous nun-regalia.
“We believe all people have a right to express their unique joy and beauty and we use humor and irreverent wit to expose the forces of bigotry, complacency and guilt that chain the human spirit.”
Born in San Francisco on Easter Sunday 1979, the Sisters have dedicated themselves to community service, ministry and outreach to those on the edges. They also actively promote human rights, respect for diversity and spiritual enlightenment.
The Abbey of St. Joan is the Seattle chapter of the organization and was formed in July of 1996. The Abbey is one of many chapters around the world, bound together in fellowship and community service. Each chapter operates independently but with one common thread:
“We are an order of 21st century nuns dedicated to the promulgation (promote)
of universal joy and the expiation (remove) of stigmatic guilt.”
The Abbey of St. Joan; Seattle
The founding Seattle Sisters were Carmina Piranha, Eva Destruction, Maria Caffeina Mocha Latte, Madonna Super Model of the World, Naga Baba Ganesh and then-Novice Sister VixXxen. From the moment these super-sisters came together, wearing high habits, glittery makeup and 6 inch platform heels they and their fellow Sisters have worked tirelessly to make our community stronger.
By raising funds, volunteering and organizing events they have supported some of the most effective and essential non-profits in our community. Organizations such as Lifelong AIDS Alliance, Inspire Youth Project, Seattle AIDS Support Group, GSBA Scholarship Fund, BABES Network, Camp Ten Trees, Ingersoll Gender Center, Dunshee House and Bailey-Boushay have all been recipients of the Sisters gracious generosity. They are also staunch supporters of safer-sex outreach and HIV, STD/STI education, heroes to the end.
Sister Dinah Douche has been a fully professed member of the Abbey for the last five years and Vice President for the last two. When asked what it was that made her so passionate to participate she stated:
“Being a Sister is completely voluntary. We do it because it is what we love to do and have taken a lifetime vow to do it. You are loved!”
The Sisters have worked with DML Insurance and Dena for many years and are looking forward to many more. When asked why they like working with DML, they simply said:
“We appreciate the service and care they provide to non-profit organizations”
…and we believe that Dena has a bit of “Sister” in her too!